Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Best Tips For Greater Happiness Part II

Exercise and rest

One of the issues to appreciate when looking at happiness levels is how much your physical state contributes to your emotional and psychological well-being. There are physiological reasons why exercise promotes happiness, such as the release of endorphins in the brain. There is also the simple and pragmatic truth that if you are fit you are much better at handling stress. Exercise and rest are also important for getting good sleep at night; and sleep is important, not only for rejuvenating oneself but also because when we are sleep-deprived it's all too easy to get problems out of proportion - and this can easily bring us down.
Life coaches often report that there are two types of people: those who are good at exercise and those who are good at rest. The former tend to push themselves too hard and the latter don't push hard enough. If you can master the balance between the two then you have taken a significant step towards greater happiness.

Hanging out with the wrong people

It seems who we mix with bears heavily on how we feel. It's not just kids that can hang out with a bad crowd: we can all do it. Other people's world view can have a significant influence on our own feelings. If you mix with people who have a negative attitude about life, themselves or you, this is bound on some level to bring you down. Spending time with people because they're cool rather than because you care about each other is a bad choice.
Following the wrong path in life

The correlation between people reporting that their life is heading in the wrong direction and feeling depressed is very strong. Feeling you are moving towards your destiny and purpose in life is very important; even if it is at a snail's pace. The opposite of this is to feel out of control or even worthless. The key here is that it's not about how fast you're moving or even whether you will arrive; it's more about just taking the journey.

Moving at a self damaging pace

It is a particular phenomenon of the modern age that people push themselves hard to achieve goals. The consequent harm of this can be seen in ill health, particularly high levels of stress; in a sense of inner disquiet rather than peace; and in our relationships. So our final tip in this guide to happiness is to take a serious look at the pace of your life and to ask yourself whether this may be doing you some harm. Question whether it's worth it and if you maybe could improve your happiness by pressing on the brakes a little.

By: Fred street